HR Mavericks

HR Maverick

Natasha Wiebusch

Natasha Wiebusch

Natasha is a writer and former labor and employment attorney turned HR professional. Her experience as a litigator and HR trainer inspired her to begin writing about anti-discrimination laws in the workplace. As a writer at Eddy HR, she hopes to provide helpful information to both employees and HR professionals who need help navigating the vast world of human resources. When she's not writing, you might find her cheering on the Green Bay Packers or hiking in the Northwoods of Wisconsin.

What words of advice and encouragement would you give to someone just starting out in HR?

Remember, it's about the people.

HR Encyclopedia articles written by Natasha Wiebusch:

Rejection Letter

Nobody wants to write a rejection letter, much less multiple rejection letters. However, a well written rejection letter can both create opportunities and help applicants move on with a positive impression of your organization. In this article, you’ll learn how to write a professional, empathetic rejection letter for any circumstance.

Offer Letter

The job offer letter is your company’s first opportunity to make a great impression on your future team member. At the same time, it is also a document that must be drafted both strategically and compliantly to avoid creating unintended legal obligations.

In this article, you will learn not only what to put in your next offer letter, but also how to do it the right way so that your candidate is just as excited to accept your offer as you are to offer it.

Paid Time Off (PTO) Management Software

With a great paid time off (PTO) management software, HR can create schedules, process time-off requests and customize their PTO policies in minutes. But if your PTO software doesn’t have the capabilities you need, it will likely create more headaches than solutions. In this article, we cover what features every great PTO management software should have, and some tips for how to choose the best PTO software for your company.

Payroll Software

Making sure employees get paid correctly and on time is one of the most important HR tasks. But it’s an extremely time-consuming process that takes HR professionals away from more strategic HR projects. Luckily, great payroll software can help. Below, we’ve listed our favorite payroll software along with some tips for how to choose the best payroll software for your company.

Job Offer Negotiation

How you negotiate a job offer negotiation will be one of the most important first impressions you will make as an employer. It’s important to know the basic dos and don’ts of negotiation. In this article, we give you the tips you need to successfully negotiate an offer with a candidate. Spoiler alert: It’s not all about salary.

Job Evaluation

How do you know you are paying your people fairly? Job evaluations—determining pay rates—are one of the more difficult responsibilities HR has because of the emotional toll it can take on the workforce. But not all job evaluations are bad! Some can be used to increase salaries and remove inequities, both of which will improve morale. Regardless of the purpose, starting a job evaluation the right way will help it go smoothly, and ultimately get you the best results.

Candidate Experience

You've found a candidate you're excited to hire: congratulations! But you're aware that they are interviewing with other companies, and you don't want to lose them.

Candidate experience can make or break your recruitment strategy. While a positive candidate experience can help you win them over, a poor candidate experience can just as easily cause you to lose them—even if you’re offering the highest salary. In this article, we’ll help you get started on creating a great candidate experience—no matter your budget.

Noncompete Agreement

If your company has trade secrets or proprietary information that it needs to protect, you might be considering a noncompete agreement. Unfortunately, they’re hard to draft and sometimes even harder to enforce. In this article, we cover what noncompetes are, what’s usually in them, and how to create one that will stand up to the law.

Pay Adjustment

Paying people fairly is a challenge every HR department faces, and there are many factors to consider. Why and when would you adjust a person's pay? How do you do so fairly? What’s the best way to communicate a pay cut to employees? Regardless of whether you’re considering a raise or a pay cut, there are some things every HR professional should know.

Incentive Pay

In your constant search for ways to motivate employees, you may consider adding incentive pay to your compensation program. If you are, you’re probably wondering whether it works or not. Really, whether incentive pay is right for you depends. In this article we define what incentive pay is and lay out the main advantages and disadvantages everyone should consider before implementing their own incentive pay plan.

Net Pay

Calculating net pay is the single most time-consuming process in payroll. It’s complicated, unique for each employee, and frankly, easy to get wrong. Here at Eddy, we created a thorough, step-by-step guide to help you calculate net pay accurately.

Gross Pay

In the world of payroll, you have to calculate tax deductions, benefits contributions, taxable income and net pay every single pay period. Although deductions might be unique for each employee, every calculation is based on gross pay.

Your understanding of gross pay is essential not only for accurate paychecks, but also to be able to explain those numbers clearly to employees. So, what is gross pay?

Employee File

Keeping complete employee records helps you track employee payments and performance, among other metrics. It’s also essential for legal compliance.

But how do you know which records to keep, and which records are confidential? If you’re not sure, don’t worry. In this article, we explain what should and should not go in an employee file, and provide tips for how to best keep your records safe, complete and legal.

Lag-the-Market Compensation Strategy

Are you considering implementing a lag-the-market compensation strategy? Although lag-the-market strategies are usually rife with pitfalls, there are some benefits to implementing a temporary or mixed approach. But it has to be the right plan for you. So, if you’re considering lagging the market, read this first.

New Hire Questionnaire

Whether you're filling a vacant position or a newly created role, it’s important to help your new employees feel welcome and ready to take on the challenges of their new job. This is where onboarding comes in.

Onboarding helps employees integrate into the company culture, feel supported, and start off strong. If onboarding doesn’t go well, however, you’re much more likely to lose the employee to turnover.

New hire questionnaires can help. In this article, we’ll teach you how to create new hire questionnaires that will improve onboarding and increase retention.

Company Reporting Structure

How do you know who reports to whom and the responsibilities of each person in your company? Sometimes the structure grows organically, but it actually needs to be intentional and documented—and sometimes changed or adjusted.

Choosing the right company reporting structure can be a difficult process, and the transition can be long and complicated. But choosing the best structure for your company will help you build a better company culture and execute your business strategy with ease. Not sure where to start? We’re here to help.

Salary Survey

How do you know the right salary range for a position? HR struggles with this all the time because industry standards change as the job market changes. One of the most helpful tools for setting salary ranges are salary surveys. In this article, we’ll help you understand what a salary survey is, where to get them, and how to use them.


Are you struggling with payroll? We understand! Running payroll is absolutely necessary, but it’s a complicated process, and even the best of us have trouble doing it manually. We understand the struggle, so we’ve created our guide to understanding payroll and the various ways to do it. If you need help understanding payroll, you’ve come to the right place.

Hourly Wage

In HR, we often have to figure out whether an employee should be paid by the hour or by a salary. There are pros and cons to each, but it may be better to pay an employee by the hour under certain circumstances. In this article, we’ll help you determine whether you should pay your employees by the hour, and when it’s required.


Today, the world of compensation is more diverse than ever before. Companies no longer create compensation plans that scream dollar signs and long work days. They’re creating plans that send a new message—one that says, “We care about your work-life balance, personal goals and health.”

So what can you really include in a compensation plan? Today, we’re answering that question. Spoiler alert: it’s not just money, insurance and retirement.


In every industry, companies have to decide whether to pay their employees a salary or hourly wage and how much to pay them. In reality, there are both advantages and disadvantages to paying employees on a salary. In this article, we’ll help you understand what a salary is, and what paying employees a salary will mean for your company.

Base Pay

Do you know what base pay is? Is it salary, compensation, or a wage? There are many ways to talk about paying your employees. Maybe too many ways! Don’t worry. In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more so that you know how to calculate, set, and change employee base pay.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is the most comprehensive anti-discrimination law for people with disabilities. Because the ADA applies to both employees and qualified applicants, having a solid understanding of what the ADA requires and how to stay in compliance is key for any HR office. In this article, we’ll help you get started.

Employee Emergency Contact Form

What do you do if your employee gets sick at work and they can’t drive themselves home? Or what if they haven’t shown up in multiple days? When things like this happen at work, you’ll want to know who to call. A great way to make sure you have this information is by creating an employee emergency contact form. In this article, we’ll teach you how to make one.