HR Mavericks

HR Maverick



Eddy is the all-in-one HR tool built with you in mind. The robust features and ease of use will benefit your company both inside and outside your HR team.

HR Encyclopedia articles written by Eddy:

Hiring Statistics

Hiring is a complex process. It requires stellar communication skills, timely outreach, a clear strategy, and a host of other elements. This article brings together hiring statistics from reliable sources to cast some light on the best hiring practices and techniques. Keep reading to learn what research tells us about where to find candidates, what candidates are looking for in their future employer, and how your company can adapt to today’s competitive hiring market.

Human Resources Manager

Human resource managers have one of the most unique and important jobs within the company. In this article we’ll explore what HR managers do on a daily basis, the value they add to their organizations, and some tips for becoming an HR manager.

FUTA Tax Credit Reduction

What is the FUTA tax credit reduction, and does it apply to my company? Read on to learn what the credit reduction is, why it affects some businesses, and if your state is on the 2023 tax credit reduction list.

HR Career Advice

1000 HR experts have contributed their most valuable advice for those just getting started in HR. We pulled out the 100 best. Read on to learn how to find your place in the HR world, become successful, and enjoy every moment (or at least, most of them).

Company Culture Statistics

Company culture encompasses a company’s mission, vision, and values, as well as its day-to-day practices and policies. Important contributing elements are working environment, managerial styles, professional development, employee recognition, and team and employee characteristics and behavior.A poor company culture can result in low productivity and high staff turnover, whereas a positive and strong company culture with high levels of employee engagement can increase productivity and profits. A healthy company culture can also attract and retain talented employees. Read on to discover the evidence that supports developing a strong company culture.

Learning & Development Statistics

Here we look at what key research tells us about learning and development practices and changing strategies. Keep reading for insights that can help you plan your own employees' learning and development journey.

Compensation & Benefits Statistics

Compensation and benefits are incredibly complex HR functions, and significant changes to the way we work over recent years have made these areas more difficult still. Help is at hand, however; our diligent research has gathered some of the latest and most important compensation and benefits statistics to empower your planning and labor market responses.

Payroll Statistics

Payroll is an incredibly complex area of HR—getting it wrong can have serious financial costs and impact a company’s credibility greatly. This article brings together important payroll statistics from a variety of sources that illustrate everything from the impact of payroll errors to how payroll procedures are changing.Read on to discover what our research can tell you about payroll trends and worker expectations, as well as important statistics to consider if you are thinking about changing your payroll practices.

Separation & Offboarding Statistics

The offboarding process is an oft-neglected element of HR. Many companies have effective onboarding procedures for employees but offer little in the way of structured offboarding. But good onboarding can help minimize potential security risks, protect your credibility, and leave the door open for great former employees to return. We’ve gathered some of the most valuable offboarding statistics available to give an overview of current trends. Read on to discover information that may be useful if you are planning to evaluate your own offboarding procedures.

Employee Productivity

Employee productivity is the driving force behind a company's growth and profitability. Without productive employees, even the most innovative businesses can falter. But managing and improving employee productivity is often easier said than done. Read on to discover the best ways to improve the performance of your employees.

Employment Credit Check

They say (and by they, we really mean Uncle Ben from Spiderman), “with great power comes great responsibility.” This power and responsibility come in when conducting Employment Credit Checks. As an employer or HR practitioner, are you aware that along with the benefits of providing background information about a potential employee, there are risks involved? Find out what these are and how you can navigate the hiring process with them.

Pre-Employment Screening

The hiring process is a time-consuming, costly HR task. Bad hires can lead to high turnover, negatively impacting your organization and requiring you to expend resources hiring.

Pre-employment screening provides a thorough evaluation of candidates and improves your chances of making the right decision. This detailed article will help teach you what applicant screening is and how to incorporate pre-employment screening into your hiring process to ensure your organization hires the best individuals for open roles.

Screening Interview

You’ve sifted through a mountain of resumes and picked out applicants that meet the bare minimum requirements. How do you best utilize your time to ensure that you interview the top candidates—potential employees that fulfill the demands of the position and match your organizational culture?

Second Round Interview

Finding the best fit for a position you’re hiring for is intense. It requires critical thought and can be draining. While reviewing resumes and screening applicants will give you a pool of qualified candidates, how can you ensure you make the right hire at the end of the day?

Second interviews are a crucial component of the hiring process that ultimately leads to a hiring decision. Continue reading to learn what a second interview is, why it’s important, how to conduct a second interview and what questions to ask!

Hiring Process

Do you dread the thought of finding qualified applicants to fill open roles in your organization? Do you find yourself hiring with a sporadic, unorganized hiring process? Hiring is time-consuming and selecting the wrong candidate can be costly. If your organization lacks a structured hiring process, you’re probably spending more time than desired conducting interviews and searching for suitable applicants.

Continue reading to learn more about the hiring process, why it’s important to have a defined hiring process, and how to hire a new employee!

Behavioral Interviewing

You’ve sorted through piles of resumes to compile a pool of qualified candidates for the role you’re hiring. You’ve narrowed down your list of top candidates that meet the minimum requirements and invited them for a second-round interview. How can you maximize the interview to ensure you select the right fit?

We recommend behavioral interviewing. Behavioral interviewing techniques provide insight into the way a candidate handled certain situations in the past and how they may act in the future. Continue reading to learn what behavioral interviewing is, why it's effective, how to conduct a behavioral interview, and examples of behavioral interview questions.

Applicant Tracking System

When you’re trying to identify qualified applicants for an open role, the last thing you want to deal with is messy spreadsheets and administrative tasks. It’s nearly impossible to organize the most important information for every candidate, efficiently communicate with them, and select the right fit if you’re completing every task manually.

That’s where applicant tracking systems (ATS) come in. Continue reading to learn what an applicant tracking system is, the benefits of using an ATS, the best applicant tracking systems available, and how to choose the right platform for your company.

KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities)

Hiring someone is a labor-intensive activity, and we know turnover is expensive; you want to choose the right person the first time. Here's a tool to help you determine whether a candidate is likely to succeed in a particular role.

Knowledge, skills and abilities, also known as KSAs, are specific qualities that indicate a person is qualified for and likely to succeed in a position. KSAs are used throughout the hiring process to assess needs in a position, help create job descriptions, and gauge whether applicants are fit for the role.

Keep reading to learn what KSAs are and how they can help you in your hiring process.

Employee Referral Program (ERP)

An employee referral program (ERP) can help you identify qualified candidates for open roles by leveraging the networks of your current employees.

Continue reading to learn what an employee referral program is, how your company can benefit from an ERP, how to create a program and to gain ideas from other companies’ employee referral programs.

Employer Brand

Your company’s employer brand sets the tone for the organization and helps create a culture that people want to work for.

Continue reading to learn what an employer brand is, why building an employer brand is important, how to develop your employer brand and examples of organizations with strong employer brands.


A sound recruiting strategy can help you identify and attract qualified talent for open positions and create a network of potential candidates for roles in the future.

Continue reading to learn what recruiting is, why it’s important to have a recruiting strategy, who should be involved in the recruiting process, where to find the best candidates, and how to start recruiting for your company.


Interviewing candidates allows you to gather the necessary information to make a hiring decision. It is one of the most important steps in the hiring process.

Continue reading to learn what interviewing is, why it’s so important, what different types of interviews there are, how to conduct an interview and tips on conducting a strong interview.

HR Document Management Software (DMS)

I-9 forms, payroll information, performance reviews and more. As an HR manager or small business owner, you know that each employee needs a dedicated file for their documentation. If you’re overwhelmed with thick paper files and overstuffed filing cabinets, consider incorporating HR document management software to centralize your employee files digitally.

Continue reading to learn what HR document management software is, the benefits of using employee file management software, the best DMS providers and how to choose the right document management software for your organization.

Time Tracking Software

How can you make sure your employees are staying on track and properly estimate project budgets? Time tracking software lets your employees accurately track their hours and provides you with data for business insights to help improve your team’s efficiency.

Continue reading to learn what employee time tracking software is, the benefits of using time tracking software, essential features and how to choose the right software for your organization.

People Management Software

As an HR professional, you want to set new and existing employees up for success. Manually managing important information for all of the employees in your company is not feasible and takes time away from more important responsibilities.

People management software can help organize your employees’ information and create an effective line of communication between employees and managers. Continue reading to learn what people management software is, the benefits of using software to manage people, what to look for when selecting people management software and the best options available to you.

Employee Directory Software

Employee directory software removes the burden of manually organizing employee information and creates an accessible database for everyone in your company.

Continue reading to learn what employee directory software is, the benefits of using it, what to look for when selecting your company employee directory software and the best employee directory software available.

Electronic Signature Software

When onboarding new employees, you want to have a simple and efficient process. It’s overwhelming for both HR professionals and new employees to have a mountain of documents that have to be signed.

Electronic signature software allows employees to digitally sign documents in a secure and timely manner. Continue reading to learn what electronic signature software is, the benefits of using electronic signature software, what to look for when choosing a software provider and the top electronic signature software providers.

HR Software

In the last decade, the number of HR software products has increased exponentially. Some of these products provide more solutions than others. We understand that with so many options, it can be hard to sort through the good and the bad. That’s why our team has put together a list of HR software with some tips to help you find the best solution for your company.

Compensation Strategy

A compensation strategy is how your company approaches employee compensation. When developing a compensation strategy, it’s important to consider how competitors compensate their employees and where you want your organization to sit in the competitive field. A strong compensation strategy is required if you want to recruit, attract and retain top talent.

Continue reading to learn what a compensation strategy is, why one is important, types of compensation strategies and how to develop a compensation strategy for your company.

Time Tracking

Tracking your employees’ time helps you remain compliant with laws and regulations, and provide insight into how your employees are spending their time on specific tasks.

Continue reading to learn what employee time tracking is, why it’s important and how to start tracking your employees’ time.

Compensable Time

Compensable time includes any hours that an employee is required to work or be on company premises. It is regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Not all work-related activities are compensable, but incorrectly compensating employees can result in legal penalties.

Continue reading to learn what compensable time is, what activities you must compensate employees for, what activities you don’t have to pay employees for and what the penalties are for incorrectly compensating your employees.

Job Classification

Job classification is the process of evaluating jobs and grouping them into categories based on similar skills, abilities, tasks, experience and other criteria. Creating a job classification system can help provide an overview of your organizational hierarchy and evaluate employee performance.

Continue reading to learn more about job classification, why it’s important, criticisms of job classification and how to create a job classification system for your company.

Employee Directory

An employee directory hosts contact, job-related and personal information for all of your company’s employees. Employee directories allow co-workers to collaborate across divisions and help new hires onboard with less stress.

Continue reading to learn what an employee directory is, why having an employee directory is so important, what information to include and other frequently asked questions about employee directories.

W-9 Form

If you work with contractors, gig workers, or freelancers, you’ll want to understand IRS Form W-9. Paperwork is the worst, and official forms can be especially intimidating—but the W-9 doesn't have to be. This article will help you understand the requirements for the form, when you need to use it, and why it’s important for your business.

90 Day Review

A 90-day review is the final check-in with a new hire during their initial onboarding process. The review should assess the employee’s performance through their first three months, allow them to address any questions or issues they have encountered, and continue to seek their feedback on your processes.

Continue reading to learn what a 90-day employee review is, why and how you should conduct them, and questions to ask.

60 Day Review

Part of a successful hire is a 30/60/90-day review cycle to make sure the employee is doing well and to learn how they experience the entire hiring/onboarding process so you can improve it and increase your retention rate.

Continue reading to learn what a 60-day employee review is, why and how you should conduct them and what questions you should ask in the meeting.

30 Day Review

By the time you've hired the right person, completed paperwork and orientation, and begun the onboarding process, your attention may wander to other projects. But don't neglect new hires after the first couple of weeks! A 30-day employee review is your first formal check-in with new hires to gauge how they are feeling about the onboarding process and identify any issues.

Continue reading to learn what a 30-day review is, why you should conduct a 30-day review, how to conduct the review, and questions to ask new hires.

New Hire Orientation

New hire orientation is your first opportunity to welcome a new employee and get them started off on the right foot. Whether you are orienting one person or 50, a lot of coordination and preparation are required–but you needn't be intimidated.

Continue reading to learn what new hire orientation is, the difference between orientation and onboarding, why new hire orientation is important and what to cover in your orientation program.

Employee First Day

During a new employee’s first day, focus on creating a comfortable and welcoming environment. You can use the new hire’s first day to introduce them to their teammates, set expectations and provide an overview of their new working environment.

Continue reading to learn what an employee’s first day should be like, the benefits of a great first day on the job, how to make a new employee’s first-day count and other tips for a successful first-day agenda.

Onboarding Buddy

Onboarding buddy systems create an informal support system for new hires to rely on as they get acclimated within your company.

Continue reading to learn what an onboarding buddy is, the benefits of assigning a buddy to new hires, steps to implement a new employee buddy system and additional tips to consider.

IT Onboarding

When you make a new hire, your new employees will rely on a handful of technological devices, applications and tools to successfully complete their job. IT onboarding creates a uniform training program to ensure that all required technology is properly set up and new hires are well-trained on the tools they’ll be using.

Continue reading to learn what IT onboarding is, why it’s important, steps to a successful IT onboarding program and an IT onboarding checklist to use for your company.

Employee Handbook

Your company’s employee handbook serves as the rulebook for employees and sets expectations for both employees and employers. A well-drafted employee handbook also protects your organization from potential legal claims.

Continue reading to learn what an employee handbook is, why they’re important, what policies and procedures to include, how to create one and examples of great employee handbooks.

Company History

Your company history is a narrative recreation of the events that shaped the organization’s values and characteristics. From its foundation to the current state of the organization, your company history should include key events and milestones throughout its existence.

Continue reading to learn what a company history is, the importance of company history, what to include when writing your company history and strong examples of existing company histories.


You’ve searched for qualified candidates, completed the interview process and selected the best fit for your open role. How do you prepare the candidate you selected for success in your company? Onboarding is the process of preparing new hires for their day-to-day responsibilities and assuring them that they made the right choice in joining your organization.

Continue reading to learn what onboarding is, why it is important for new employees, how to create an onboarding process and tips about employee onboarding.

Lead-the-Market Compensation Strategy

Have you ever suggested paying an employee more than the going rate and gotten some pushback? When you set your salary ranges above the market rate, you are using a lead-the-market compensation strategy. While it comes with financial risk, it can have several benefits.

Continue reading to learn what a lead-the-market compensation strategy is, its advantages and disadvantages and how to know if a lead-the-market compensation strategy is right for your company.

Employee Engagement

HR is demanding, and it seems every task is crucial. You may feel you're pedaling as fast as you can to take care of the basics—but there is one area you ignore at your peril. Employee engagement is how committed your workers are to the company, how hard they work and how long they stay, and it's something you can impact.

Continue reading to learn what employee engagement is, the importance of keeping your employees engaged, how to improve it, and how to measure your efforts.

Job Post

A job post, or job posting, is an external advertisement that provides an overview of a position you’re hiring for. Job posts are used to recruit qualified applicants and a well-written job description can help reduce time and money spent on recruiting.

Continue reading to learn what a job post is, the importance of having a good job post, how to write a job post and where to list job postings.

Salary Range

Naturally, salary is a huge part of recruiting top talent. How to define and communicate a position's salary to candidates can be challenging. Most companies advertise open positions with a salary range. It defines the lowest and highest base salary you will pay for a specific position or group of jobs.

Continue reading to learn what a salary range is, factors that affect salary ranges, how to determine salary ranges for your positions, and tips on how to communicate about salary expectations with candidates.

Compensation Philosophy

Your compensation philosophy is the organization’s position and approach to rewarding employees for their work. The compensation philosophy will help inform your more specific compensation strategy and define your position within the competitive market.

Continue reading to learn what a compensation philosophy is, why it’s important to define one, how to develop a compensation philosophy and how to write a compensation philosophy statement.

FLSA Non-Exempt

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) divides jobs into two very different buckets: those that are exempt from FLSA regulations, and those that aren’t. To keep your business complaint, it’s important to understand the difference between the two.