HR Mavericks

HR Maverick

Beth Campagno

Beth Campagno

Beth has many years of corporate HR and business experience in a variety of business environments. She found her second career writing a wide variety of HR content (DE&I, thought leadership, blog articles, eBooks, case studies, and more) for HR SaaS companies.

What words of advice and encouragement would you give to someone just starting out in HR?

Congratulations on choosing a career in one of the most critical functions of any organization. Be a strategic partner to the business and always maintain the highest integrity in your profession.

HR Encyclopedia articles written by Beth Campagno:

Onboarding Software

You spend a lot of effort to find and hire the right people; you want to keep them. Studies continue to show a clear correlation between an excellent onboarding experience and employee retention. Yet, a Gallup report in 2021 reported that a staggering 88% of employees surveyed did not believe that their employers did a good job of onboarding.

How would you rate your organization's onboarding experience? Onboarding provides a critical foundation for the retention of talent and strong employee engagement initiatives. If you think you need to up your game a bit, consider onboarding software. It takes onboarding to the next level by reducing costs and workload and helping you gather and analyze data that identifies opportunities for improvement.

Employee Development

Employee development was important before, but after the upheaval of a global pandemic, it’s critical for talent retention.

The demand for HR-specific technology has increased dramatically as a result of the increased competition to recruit or train employees. In addition, we’re in the midst of historic age demographic events. Worker ages ranging from eighteen to ninety-something challenge companies to provide appropriate training for all levels of employee learning.

Employee development has gone from a great idea to a critical business imperative. Technology recruiting company Built In reports that 74% of employees cite a lack of professional development for failure to reach their full potential.

Employee Rewards

If you’ve considered revamping your employee rewards program, then kudos! You are definitely thinking strategically about employee engagement and retention.

Employee rewards programs have evolved significantly from their HR origins. Traditional rewards were point-in-time recognition intended to communicate a “thank you” to employees that might be soon forgotten.

Twenty-first century rewards have pivoted to a strategic focus that aligns closely with recruiting, employee engagement, and retention efforts. They’re comprehensive and inclusive in nature and designed to address some of the current issues employers are facing with their workforce.

Job Description

A compliant job description is a strategic tool used to support many critical HR and recruiting decisions. Its main purpose is to identify all of the job requirements and qualifications needed, but it may also be used externally for recruiting.

Job Analysis

Conducting a job analysis is one of the first strategic actions an HR professional should do. The data gathered from a thorough job analysis is used to build job descriptions, job specifications, and to ensure the best employee-organization fit.

Executive Compensation

Executive compensation may be one of the most important financial decisions a growing company makes. However, it is frequently one of the most debated and criticized - by employees, boards of directors, stockholders, and the public.

The fact is, an executive’s compensation is tied to what expertise they can bring to the table and reflect their investment in the business. And how can a company thrive and compete without a leader who is completely committed to the success of the organization?

The short answer - it can’t.

Sales Compensation

The cost of salaries, benefits, and unnecessary attrition is a significant expenditure for organizations. Add variable pay to the mix and sales compensation can be the most expensive, complex, and detailed of all compensation plans.

Creating a strong sales compensation plan ensures that the organization is able to plan for and manage a successful sales strategy as well as attract and retain motivated sales professionals who directly contribute to the profitability of the company.

Employee Conflict Resolution

Organizations are made up of people, so some conflict is inevitable. Conflict can be healthy if managed well, but you may be apprehensive about your role in conflict resolution. We're here to support you in developing the skills to not only resolve issues, but even better, to prevent them.

But the negative consequences of unresolved employee conflict have a ripple effect impacting the employees involved, their teams, HR, and the organization as a whole. As we’ll learn in this article, the costs range from monetary in the form of lost productivity and turnover to health and legal issues in the form of stress-related illnesses and even harmful behavior.

Employee conflict resolution is one of the best strategies that organizations can utilize to not only resolve those issues, but even better, to prevent them.

Welcome Letter to New Employees [Tips, Template, & Best Practices]

You know how critical it is to attract and keep good candidates, especially in times of fierce competition for talent. Yet, studies continue to show that as many as 40-50% of new employees leave within the first three months. Many of those new hires cite a poor onboarding experience as the reason. A welcome letter may appear to only be a small part of that onboarding program, but it plays a critical part in the overall process. And standard welcome letters are a thing of the past — candidates and new hires in today’s recruiting process expect to feel welcomed, and even celebrated, before they even start work. Let's explore what a welcome letter is, why it's important, and what to include to write a winning letter for your new employees. You'll find a welcome letter template at the end of the article.