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Time Management Training

It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed with work or like there aren't enough hours in the day. Your employees are feeling this too! Discover how time management training can help your organization work more efficiently, reduce stress and unleash its full potential.

What Is Time Management?

Time management is the practice of organizing and planning how much time is spent on different tasks or activities to be as productive and efficient as possible. It involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and allocating time accordingly. Effective time management enables one to accomplish more in less time, reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall quality of life. Some common time management techniques include creating schedules, using to-do lists, setting deadlines and eliminating distractions.

The Importance of Time Management for Employees

In a workplace where employees are productive, satisfied with their jobs, and have overall success in their careers, you’ll find effective time management being utilized. Managing one's time effectively allows tasks and projects to be completed in a timely manner, and can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling work-life balance. Here are some reasons why time management is important for employees:
  • Increased productivity. Time management allows employees to prioritize tasks and focus on the most important ones. This leads to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.
  • Reduced stress. Proper time management can help employees reduce stress by avoiding last-minute rushes and deadlines. By planning ahead and completing tasks on time, employees can reduce the stress they experience in the workplace.
  • Improved job satisfaction. When employees feel in control of their workload and are able to complete tasks on time, they can experience greater job satisfaction. This can lead to improved performance and increased motivation to achieve their goals.
  • Enhanced professionalism. Effective time management is a key component of professionalism in the workplace. It demonstrates an employee's ability to manage their responsibilities and meet deadlines, which can lead to increased trust and respect from colleagues and supervisors.
  • Career advancement. Time management is an important skill for career advancement. Employers value employees who are able to manage their time effectively and deliver results in a timely manner. This can lead to opportunities for advancement and greater responsibility within an organization.

Common Time Management Challenges

Time management challenges can come in many forms, ranging from procrastination to inefficient processes. In this section, we will explore some common challenges employees face and strategies for overcoming them.
  • Procrastination. Procrastination is the tendency to delay or put off tasks until the last minute, which can lead to stress, missed deadlines and poor performance. Procrastination can be caused by various factors, such as fear of failure, lack of motivation or difficulty concentrating.
  • Interruptions and distractions. Interruptions and distractions can disrupt workflow and decrease productivity. Examples include phone calls, emails, social media notifications and office chatter. Managing interruptions and distractions requires developing strategies for minimizing their impact, such as scheduling blocks of uninterrupted work time, turning off notifications or finding a quiet workspace.
  • Overcommitment. Overcommitment occurs when a person takes on too many tasks or responsibilities, leading to a lack of focus and decreased productivity. This may stem from a desire to please others, fear of missing out or a lack of clear priorities.
  • Inefficient processes. Inefficient processes, such as poorly organized workspaces or complex systems for completing tasks, can waste time and reduce productivity. Identifying areas for improvement and developing more efficient processes can help to overcome this challenge.
  • Lack of (or poor) planning. Failing to plan or not understanding how to plan can lead to a lack of direction and feeling overwhelmed. Developing a plan or schedule can help provide structure and guidance, allowing for more effective time management. However, planning can also be a challenge in itself, as it requires time and effort to create a detailed and realistic plan.

Types of Time Management Training for Employees

There are several types of time management training programs to help employees develop and improve their time management skills. Here are some examples:


A workshop is a meeting turned interactive through activities to solve a problem or teach a new skill. This type of time management training can be done online or in person and teaches employees important time management skills such as how to use a planner or structure your day.

Online Courses

Online courses are essentially the same as their in-person counterparts, just in a virtual environment. The most effective online courses are highly interactive and utilize tools such as activities, workbooks and breakout rooms.

One-On-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching sessions with a time management expert can help employees identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for managing their time more effectively. For example, a coach might work with an employee to develop a personalized time management plan based on their individual goals and work style.

Time Tracking Tools/Time Management Apps

These tools include timesheets or time management software to help employees track how they spend their time and identify areas for improvement. The closely related time management apps can be used for everything from scheduling meetings to tracking progress on projects. These programs can be highly effective when accounting for employee’s learning styles, strengths and points of improvement. These are most effective when including elements such as gamification, fluid scheduling and time visualization.

Key Elements of Effective Time Management Training

The term “time management” encompasses a multitude of skills working together efficiently. A successful and effective time management training will take this into account, train individual skills, and show how to use all of these skills in harmony with one another. Here are some key elements to keep in mind and how they contribute to effective time management.


Prioritization is the process of identifying and ranking tasks in order of importance. Effective time management requires prioritizing tasks to ensure the most important tasks are completed first. By having the skill of prioritization, employees are more empowered to say no to excess workload and draw healthy boundaries to set smart goals. Prioritization in turn contributes to…

Planning and Organization

This involves ordering tasks according to their priority and breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps while creating a plan for completing those steps. This can help employees avoid feeling overwhelmed by large, complex projects and make it easier to track progress and adjust plans as needed. This helps immensely in team settings, leading to improved communication.


Communication is critical to effective time management as it helps employees stay informed and aligned with team members and stakeholders. Effective communication can help ensure that everyone is on the same page about priorities, deadlines and expectations, which can reduce misunderstandings and improve collaboration. Clear communication can also help employees avoid wasted time and duplication of effort.

Goal Setting

Effective time management training should teach employees how to set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound). Clear goals help employees structure their productivity. It’s the essential groundwork for employees to prioritize, plan and organize their time efficiently for maximal productivity.


The best time management training leaves employees with tangible tools that can be applied and used immediately to reinforce the skills they just learned. Some examples would be training on how to utilize tools such as:
  1. Calendar apps. Calendar apps such as Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or Apple Calendar can help employees schedule their time effectively and keep track of appointments and deadlines.
  2. To-do lists. To-do lists, whether digital or physical, can help employees prioritize tasks and ensure they are completing their most important work first.
  3. Pomodoro Technique timers. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that uses a timer to break work into intervals, usually 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. There are many Pomodoro timer apps available online.
  4. Time tracking apps. Time tracking apps like RescueTime or Toggl can help employees identify time-wasting habits and monitor their productivity.
  5. Project management software. Project management software such as Asana, Trello or Basecamp can help employees break down projects into manageable tasks, assign tasks to team members and track progress.
  6. Mind mapping tools. Mind mapping tools like MindMeister or XMind can help employees visualize and organize complex ideas or projects, making it easier to plan and prioritize tasks.
  7. Automation tools. Automation tools like IFTTT or Zapier can help employees streamline repetitive tasks, freeing up more time for important work.

How to Implement Time Management Training for Employees

To improve the time management skills of your employees, it's important to create a comprehensive training program that addresses their specific needs. In this section, here are five steps you won’t want to miss in order to implement time management training for your workforce.

Step 1: Identify Areas for Improvement

First, identify the specific time management skills employees need to improve on. This might involve conducting surveys, interviews or assessments to diagnose where employees struggle most, such as setting priorities, managing interruptions or delegating tasks.

Step 2: Develop a Training Program

Once you've identified the areas of focus, develop a comprehensive training program that addresses those specific skills. This might involve creating presentations, developing hands-on exercises or providing access to time management tools and resources. This could also look like bringing in an external expert that works with employees in the specific problem areas you identified such as communication or conflict resolution.

Step 3: Deliver the Training

Deliver the time management training program in a way that best suits the needs of your employees. This might involve conducting in-person workshops, offering online training modules or tutorials or providing one-on-one coaching sessions. Choose the delivery method that will be most engaging and effective for your employees and communicate the training schedule and expectations clearly to everyone involved. Additionally, provide ongoing support and encouragement to help employees apply the skills they learned.

Step 4: Reinforce Learning

After the training has been delivered, it’s important to reinforce the learning to ensure employees fully grasp the concepts covered. Ensure employees are applying the skills learned and using the tools provided. This might look like scheduling follow-up interviews or surveys, one-on-one coaching sessions, peer-to-peer support or ongoing access to time management tools and resources.

Step 5: Track and Evaluate

Lastly, evaluate the results to determine your training’s effectiveness. This can be done by collecting and analyzing performance metrics or gathering feedback from the employees. This enables you to zero in on additional areas that could use improvement and adjust future training programs to meet those needs.
Kayla Farber

Kayla Farber

Kayla is the Chief Innovation Officer at Hero Culture, where the passion is to create company cultures of retention using the power of personality.
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Training Needs Analysis/Assessment
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