HR Mavericks

HR Maverick

Jack Grimes

Jack Grimes

Jack Grimes is new to the traditional "HR" role. His previous experience building and leading teams in the restaurant and non-profit industries is a natural on ramp to a dedicated HR role. He wants to build systems and structures that aid in the flourishing of people.

What words of advice and encouragement would you give to someone just starting out in HR?

Take care of yourself and lead by example. Hard to care and lead on an empty tank.

HR Encyclopedia articles written by Jack Grimes:

Relational Leadership

Relational leadership is the key to unlocking the potential in your organization that will drive growth and innovation. Find out how to become a relational leader who makes a difference.

People-First Culture

Is your organization people-first? Would you like to know how to create a people-first organization? Find out why a people-first organization builds a culture of growth and longevity in the long run.