HR Mavericks

HR Maverick

Emily Kranendonk

Emily Kranendonk

Emily is the HR Manager for PatientBond. She is the excited for the opportunity of creating an HR department with her current employer. Emily pursued a Master's in Human Resources from USU and comes with 4 years of experience from various companies. Emily serves as the Director of Social Media for the Salt Lake SHRM chapter.

What words of advice and encouragement would you give to someone just starting out in HR?

Working in HR is a wonderful field to be in. It is challenging and pushes you in ways that you wouldn't have thought. I have found it rewarding as I help people and I do that each and every day. Learn how to research and teach yourself. Things come up every day that you won't always know what to do. But as long as you can teach yourself, you'll succeed.

HR Encyclopedia articles written by Emily Kranendonk:


After an employee resigns or has been terminated, you will begin the offboarding process. This article will share with you why the offboarding process is important, what the process looks like and mistakes to avoid when offboarding.

Workplace Investigations

Companies are faced with many legal risks. Workplace investigations take place when a problem, complaint or issues come up in the work environment. When a company fails to investigate, it opens the company up for a variety of legal risks and claims. This article covers what a workplace investigation entails and how to conduct one.

Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) & HR

HR professionals often find themselves working on a team of one. This can be an overwhelming position to find yourself in. You may want to consider if a professional employer organization (PEO) is an option for your company. A PEO can help in the following areas: benefits administration, compliance assistance, recruiting/hiring, payroll administration, drug testing programs, unemployment administration, workers’ compensation administration, and Family Medical Leave Act. The following article will cover what a PEO is, how it works, the benefits of using a PEO and things to keep in mind when deciding if it’s a fit for you or not.

Employee Net Promoter Score

Some people call the Employee Net Promoter Score the ultimate survey question. The research behind this question has built its credibility over time. It can be very telling of your employees feelings about your company and how likely they are to recommend your company to friends and colleagues as a place of employment.

Employee Empowerment

Employee empowerment can make all the difference for your company in shaping its culture and behavior. People want to be part of the bigger picture. This article shares a few methods on how to help your employees feel empowered to do their job.

Daily Standup Meeting

A daily standup meeting is a great opportunity for the whole team to get an overview of what the entire team is doing. This brings team members together who might not normally work closely. This meeting helps prompt team communication and collaboration.

Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ)

As a new HR professional you will want to be aware of the BFOQ doctrine. BFOQ stands for Bona Fide Occupational Qualification. It allows a company to discriminate on the basis of national origin, sex, religion or age in rare, unique sitautions that are logically necessary for the business. A BFOQ is based on objective facts, reason, and logic, not on stereotypes, prejudice, or bias. The following article will help to define what a BFOQ is, when to use it, and when not to use it.

Employee Resignation

An employee's resignation involves more than just turning in a security badge. Do you know how soon an employee needs to be paid after they resign? Do you know why the employee is leaving? Keep reading to find out the reasons behind why employees resign and to learn a few tips on how to begin developing your employee resignation process.