HR Mavericks

HR Maverick

Angela Stewart, SHRM-CP

Angela Stewart, SHRM-CP

Angela is an HR long-timer who is passionate about company culture, HR branding, managing workplace relationships, and creating meaningful total rewards. She wouldn't work in any other field simply for her love to interface on the daily with the people who make companies successful!

What words of advice and encouragement would you give to someone just starting out in HR?

Appreciate every person for their diversity and encourage sharing of ideas and outlooks! Every single one of us comes with unique perspective, backgrounds, and experiences that make us who we are and contribute to how we do our jobs.

HR Encyclopedia articles written by Angela Stewart, SHRM-CP:

Employee Morale

You’ve just received your team’s employee engagement survey results. You scan through the results and your heart immediately sinks. All you see are negative slopes, sad-face emojis in comments, and lots of red marks. What should you do and where do you start?